Once past the foothills and up onto the steeper slope of the mountain, suddenly I began to feel very unsteady. Though I love hiking, I'm also a bit acrophobic. Naturally there's no guard rail along the trail rim, just an unpleasant drop down the mountainside. I hug the inner part of the trail as much as possible. Brain says "you're going to fall, you're going to be hurt." I stop. I'm about 3/4 of the way up the mountain and it's getting steeper, the mountainside slope more sheer. I look up toward the summit. Should I be satisfied with the miles I've hiked so far, and turn back?
No, I tell myself. How can I face myself or my kids later if I can say only that I went most of the way up but then turned back because I was scared? Keep going. So I focus on the trail, don't look up or out toward the trail's edge. You're not going to fall, I repeat over and over. And if you do, you won't be hurt much. Focus on the trail. Still rocky but safe. Trail slopes upward, corner after corner that looks from below like it just ends in blue sky. I can't see what's ahead. Brain still dizzy. But I force myself to keep going anyway. I don't dare look out at the view to my left. As I reach each corner that looks like it dead ends way up in the middle of the air, nowhere, I see that it curves round and keeps going. So do I.
Before I know it, the summit is in sight. I'm feeling better. I've weathered the crisis, haven't given in to the fears. I stride up the last few hundred yards of the trail to the top of the mountain. I am rewarded with three things.
Two, increased courage from not giving into any fears and pushing myself to keep going even when part of me wanted to stop.
Three, the surprising realization that the nervousness about being up so high was actually gone. I stayed up on the mountaintop for a while, slowly walking about to take in different views. Such amazing beauty. Then descended the same way I came, with no dizziness or fears of the height whatsoever.
Life's full of rocks. Sometimes they hurt a lot. But I'm glad they're there, they force us to push ourselves, and they can be beautiful to look at too, sometimes. Zinj has talked about being on the bench, which really sucks, I know exactly what he means. I don't have the answers. All I can do is keep moving forward doing the best I can, climbing over the rocks, trying to have faith that I won't fall and even if I do, I won't be hurt too badly. Push myself forward even at the risk of pain. Savor it when it happens, because it's better than not being able to feel anything. I don't know where I'm going or where I'll end up. But I hope that when I get there, I'll find the acrophobia has disappeared and the views and understanding are worth the difficulties along the way.
P.S. In order to keep this post from totally obnoxious loftiness (pardon the pun), I should also point out the humorous irony of me using the Mahler 8th as soundtrack for a story told to this particular blog audience. Mahler wrote his 2 hour 8th Symphony essentially as a love song to his wife--who thereafter completely flaked out on him (I know how he feels) and left him for another man. Another shining example of a traditional marriage. But at least the music is wonderful.
I love hiking, it's a great way to clear your head.
Rugby Man...I feel your pain but want to share your view....the terrain I find interesting. I know it's East of Washington and West of the Pacific. Any other clues?
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