13 November 2008


The ribs are feeling a bit better. I couldn't do the crunches or Supermans tonight but had a blast with the rest of it. Drills starting from prone on the ground, face in the turf, ball suddenly smacked down on the deck next to my shoulder, up and off like a rocket for teammates 50 yards away, smacked the ball down next to his shoulder and off he went. Back and forth. Dirt, grass, sweat. Passing a ball back and forth afterward with my little son who was gleefully getting into it just like me. Did I mention I like rugby? Like, love, passionate about, addicted to? Yeah, what you see up there is really what happens. All my troubles disappear when I'm flying across that field and handing off that ball or grabbing a pass and running with it. OMG I love this game.

Afterward as we walked through WalMart, still tossing a rugby ball back and forth, me still in my kit and covered in grass and dust, an African-American man sitting outside called out to us. Hey rugger! He grew up in Bermuda and played rugby when he was young. He grinned ear to ear as we talked about the game. Delightful. Instant friends. Rugby does that.

You are probably all tired of hearing about it so I will shut up now.


Blueyedane said...

Hey dude! Thanks for the nice note you left. Sorry about the ribs. I can understand what you are talking about pain wise. I have some issues with my ribs. Not fun! I'm also glad that you love Danish stuff. Its an obsession for me I guess. I want to go back soon. Well hope you're well and maybe you can show me how to pla rugby if I'm out near DC someday.

Bravone said...

Alan, "Almost thou persuadeth me to be a Rugby player." I am becoming a fan. I love feeling the enthusiasm you have for the sport. Keep talking. I am almost converted.

kyle said...

I'm not tired of hearing about it at all. Even though I've never played or seen a rugby match, your enthusiasm and passion for it lifts me up and makes me smile just reading about it.

Scott said...

Alan, "Almost thou persuadeth me to be a Rugby player."

Funny, I was thinking just the opposite. Every rugby post makes me that much more certain that I never want to set foot on a rugby court, or field, or whatever. :)

Josch Beres said...

One word: HARDCORE! ;)

Romulus said...

Rugby is a good game! Popular almost everywhere except the US.

Rob said...


ROFTLOL. It's called a "pitch." And you know what? I used to be indifferent to most sports too, even this one. Till I tried it. Better stay away!

Mike said...

I agree with Scott, the more I learn about the trauma that you endure the less anxious I am bout trying it.